My rating: 3 of 5 stars
I wanted to love this book, I really did.
First, I gotta ask: What's up with the italics at the start of every chapter? I kept hoping it was some sinister dark plot-twist, but I didn't quite get it.
Holly is home after discovering her college life was a tad-too-wild. Falling right back into her old group of friends, she comes up with a plan to help her friends achieve their dreams. What follows is a sweet romance.
The premise was good, and I absolutely adored how Holly slowly realized her crush for Andrew.
Their shenanigans were amazingly planned, and Krista Lakes definitely managed the mischief and feelings of being a new adult.
But then came the last half of the book.
I get that a friend's vow is important, but I couldn't get past the fact that Luke shunned his friends for being together. They're adults now. After rekindling his dad's high-school love, one would think he had more faith in romance. And it really bothered me because Luke was my favorite. The way he protected both Holly and his brother.
For some reason, we didn't see Holly hang out much with her best female friends.
And then Andrew goes all judgmental on her. Despite the fact that it wasn't Holly's fault. At all.
^I hope I didn't reveal anything. But to put it simply, the latter half of the book started to bug me.
I liked it, but I didn't love it. Would recommend for anyone who wants to hate character choices. =/
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